Meet Jeanny Chai


As Asian Americans, we want respect, recognition and acceptance, yet we are constantly feeling as though we are “not enough.” We are trained masters in achieving...though happiness, confidence and real success feel elusive.

For 15 years, we've been imposing leadership training in Silicon Valley to increase the presumed lack of soft skills that's keeping Asian Americans from breaking through the “Bamboo Ceiling” and attaining the fulfillment we desire. We haven’t succeeded because these external solutions were never addressing the internal problem.

The REAL solution is building Internal Integrity™ for Asian Americans because the external expectations of filial piety (shame), achievement-orientation and emotional restraint have long defined our lives. It’s time to question what we want and take ownership of our career and life design. When we transform our cultural norms, we free ourselves to realize authentic success, happiness, influence and our full leadership potential. And that individual success transfers to the success of the organization as a whole.

BambooMythSpeaker-577.jpg Founder, coach & speaker, Jeanny Chai helps Asian American women find their worth from within and “Live Their Leadership Potential” by reframing the cultural priorities that have been given to us. She believes that breaking through the Bamboo Ceiling is an internal quest and only by thinking differently that we can create a new norm.

Drawing from powerful personal experiences that include “shaming” her family by not attending medical school after graduating from Stanford, raising four children and becoming known as a successful business development professional in Silicon Valley, Jeanny has devoted herself to helping Asian Americans find their confidence from within.

Get ready to transform External Expectations into Internal Integrity™.

It took Jeanny 3 breast cancer tumors and a divorce to come into the realization of how she could flourish, and she is dedicated to saving other women the pain of having to go through great adversity to reach the point of personal transformation.